Sunday, January 25, 2009

WA4 Letter to Obama Draft 2

Dear President Obama,

The country has called upon you in a dark hour. The economy is struggling, the War on Terror consistently runs in to setbacks, and tensions around the world are set high. However, it is in this time of need when great men shine their brightest, and I am certain you are one of those great men.

One very important focus would obviously be the War on Terror. The cause of the war is just and noble, however the lack of efficiency and precision seem to hinder the purpose. I appreciate your efforts in attempting to make more direct effects in the war, and hopefully others will to. With you as president, hopefully the war will head in the right direction, and not just sit around waiting for something to happen from either side.

Another topic is the receding Economy. I realize that this problem will not be fixed over night, and I appreciate you for declaring that nationally. However, some just want a quick fix for themselves, not caring about the repercussions that would follow. I myself pray for such troubles not happen, and for people to support you and your plans for the rest of your term.

Lastly, I'd like to talk about Education. No doubt the education of America is important, but I don't believe there needs to be too many changes at this time. I appreciate you planning to get rid of some of the seemingly less important plans already installed to increase government spending efficiency. However, I believe not many other changes need to be made when there are more pressing matters at hand.

As the first minority ever elected as the President of the United States, all eyes will be watching you. The road ahead will not be without troubles. However, I believe in you and your ability to lead this country to a time of prosperity. I am hoping to see great things from you, our new President.

Thank you,
Andrew Haynes

1 comment:

Ms. Wiesner said...

Take out the word "set" in your first sentence.

The way you've structured this sentence makes it sound like the war is sitting around..."With you as president, hopefully the war will head in the right direction, and not just sit around waiting for something to happen from either side."

Re-word:I myself pray for such troubles not happen, and for people to support you and your plans for the rest of your term.

If you don't feel anything needs to be changed in education, why do you spend a whole paragraph on it?